Zebra Keeps Its Stripes
Monday, September 8, 2008 at 5:52 PM
I was at Woodland Park Zoo today. It's a great big park, so a map is necessary to ensure that you see everything. Something I saw on the map was that animals are represented on the map by silhouettes. This isn't true of the zebra, however!
The zebra keeps its stripes! (This is also true of the tiger on the map.)
You can see more pictures in my Facebook album, whether or not you're a Facebook member. (If you're Facebook friends with me, you can comment on my pictures!)
Are zebras white with black stripes, black with white stripes, or is it all just an optical illusion?

Are zebras white with black stripes, black with white stripes, or is it all just an optical illusion?
I always thought zebras were black with white stripes, because only Pegasus was white.
I got the idea that only Pegasus could be white after I saw the lovely movie Clash of the Titans when I was... 9? 10? Fascinated me. And now I see they’re remaking it for 2010 release, obviously to reinforce my weird perceptions about the mythical world.
I'm shocked that you would go to a zoo! Zoos are jails with innocent inmates. Don't support them with your money. Boycott.
Why would you do this Brandon?
If it's any consolation, we used a "buy one, get one free" coupon for admission.