Today, I picked up today's issue of the UW's newspaper, the
Daily, only today, I noticed that it was called the
iDaily. The top story was a news story about how President Emmert lost the university to Steve Jobs in a poker game and that the UW was now renamed the iUW. Suspicions flared within my mind until I realized that this must be the April Fool's Day issue. But wait, April Fool's Day was yesterday! I looked at the top and the paper and saw that it's dated Monday, April 1, 2007. They put the wrong date on there to allow themselves to publish such an issue! The nerve! Isn't that cheating? I've said it before, and I'll say it again: "April Fool's Day is over!" The articles were humorous in and of themselves, but in comedy, timing is everything. I'm sorry that the
Daily didn't have the chance to publish it on the right day (The
Daily doesn't circulate on weekends), but changing the date to desperately publish a few funny articles is taking a step too far.
You're the fool,